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匹配条件: “Fabiola; Winkler” ,找到相关结果约1781条。
Un acercamiento al ethos profesional en estudiantes de psicología al inicio del ciclo centrado en la formación profesional
Pasmanik,Diana; Jadue,Fabiola; Winkler,María Inés;
Acta bioethica , 2012, DOI: 10.4067/S1726-569X2012000100010
Abstract: between 2008 and 2010 the impact of four learning modules on the ethics of clinical and educational psychology was studied. in order to measure their effectiveness, before and after each intervention, -a filmed interview was presented related to each module and dramatized by actors- with ethical and technical errors. on the base of the responses given subjected to open and axial codification, correct and erroneous answers were analyzed, grouped by topics which showed the “stand” from which subjects answered. realizing that this meant an approach to professional ethos, we analyzed part of the data with the aim to explore this ethos in 100 students, from three universities, which are starting their professional training cycle and which possess a different insertion of ethics training, organized in four groups and evaluated before being exposed to the modules.the results suggest that a professional ethos is being built with great convergences despite curricular differences.
Un acercamiento al ethos profesional en estudiantes de psicología al inicio del ciclo centrado en la formación profesional Uma aproxima o ao ethos profissional em estudantes de psicologia no início do ciclo centrado na forma o profissional An approach to professional ethos in beginning psychology students centered into professional training
Diana Pasmanik,Fabiola Jadue,María Inés Winkler
Acta Bioethica , 2012,
Abstract: Entre 2008 y 2010 se estudió el impacto de cuatro módulos de aprendizaje de ética en psicología clínica y educacional. Para medir su efectividad se presentó, antes y después de cada intervención, una entrevista -filmada, pertinente para ese módulo y dramatizada por actores- que contenía errores éticos y técnicos. Sobre la base de respuestas de desarrollo sometidas a codificación abierta y axial, se analizaron tanto las respuestas correctas como las erróneas, agrupándolas en áreas temáticas que mostraban la “posición” desde la cual los sujetos respondían. Notando que esto significaba un acercamiento al ethos profesional, analizamos parte de los datos con el objetivo de explorar este ethos en 100 estudiantes, de tres universidades, que se encuentran iniciando su ciclo de formación profesional y que poseen una inserción diferente de la formación ética, organizados en cuatro grupos y evaluados antes de la exposición a los módulos. Los resultados sugieren que se encuentra en construcción un ethos profesional con grandes convergencias, a pesar de las diferencias curriculares. Entre 2008 e 2010 se estudou o impacto de quatro módulos de aprendizagem de ética em psicologia clínica e educacional. Para medir sua efetividade se apresentou antes e depois de cada interven o uma entrevista -filmada, pertinente para esse módulo e dramatizada por atores- que continha erros éticos e técnicos. Com base nas respostas de desenvolvimento submetidas a codifica o aberta e axial foram analisadas tanto as respostas corretas como as err neas, agrupando-as em áreas temáticas que mostravam a “posi o” a partir da qual os sujeitos respondiam. Notando que isto significava uma aproxima o ao ethos profissional, analisamos parte dos dados com o objetivo de explorar este ethos em 100 estudantes de três universidades, que se encontram iniciando seu ciclo de forma o profissional e que possuem uma inser o diferente da forma o ética, organizados em quatro grupos e avaliados antes da exposi o aos módulos. Os resultados sugerem que se encontra em constru o um ethos profissional com grandes convergências apesar das diferen as curriculares. Between 2008 and 2010 the impact of four learning modules on the ethics of clinical and educational psychology was studied. In order to measure their effectiveness, before and after each intervention, -a filmed interview was presented related to each module and dramatized by actors- with ethical and technical errors. On the base of the responses given subjected to open and axial codification, correct and erroneous answers were analyzed, grouped by top
Iodine—A Potential Antioxidant and the Role of Iodine/Iodide in Health and Disease  [PDF]
Rudolf Winkler
Natural Science (NS) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/ns.2015.712055
Abstract: In human physiology, iodine is primarily noted for its role in thyroid function and less so for its many extrathyroidal functions, particularly those based on its antioxidant properties. As I- it protects against free radicals and peroxides. This is seen in vitro in decreased depolymerization of hyaluronic acid and increased antioxidant status in human serum, and in vivo in increased antioxidant enzyme activities and decreases of malondialdehyde and peroxides. It could be shown or deduced that balneotherapeutic applications of iodine/iodide have a positive effect on cardiocirculatory diseases, respiratory disorders, some eye diseases (dry eye, cataract, age-related macular degeneration), and other degenerative diseases connected with increased oxidative stress that are also treated by balneotherapy.

Using an Interactive Computer System to Support the Task of Building the Notions of Ratio and Proportion  [PDF]
Elena Fabiola Ruiz Ledesma
Creative Education (CE) , 2010, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2010.12017
Abstract: This article describes the design and general outcome of applying a computer system that includes interactive activities to the topics of ratio and proportion. The work was undertaken with Mexican students attending primary school grade six (11 year olds). In designing the activities, our work was based on the studies of researchers who have focused on such topics, as well as on the work of researchers in the field of computer sciences and education technology. Support of the activities designed is found in psycho-pedagogy, in knowledge of mathematics and in the fields of computer sciences and education technology.
Representation Registers in the Solution of Calculus Problems  [PDF]
Elena Fabiola Ruiz Ledesma
Creative Education (CE) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2011.23036
Abstract: This article is derived from the research project registered under number 20110343 (Ruiz, 2011), and developed in Escuela Superior de Cómputo del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) (School of Computer Sciences of the National Poly-technical Institute of Mexico). The article reports on the problems found among Engineering students with respect to their resistance to using different representation registers when solving optimization problems in the Calculus Learning Unit. Use of such registers could help the students to build mathematics know ledge and to solve calculus problems. As a didactic strategy, simulations are used in an electronic environment in order to support the students by fostering their use of tabular, graphical and algebraic representation registers. Interviews are undertaken of six of the professors who give the calculus courses, and a diagnostic questionnaire is applied to 68 students prior to and after working with the proposal. As for the theoretical framework, the work reported by Duval and Hitt is salient in this report, particularly their emphasis of the fact that working on activities by way of one single representation system is not sufficient. From the first responses provided by the students, one can conclude that the algebraic register is preferred by the majority of students. It is however used in a mechanical fashion without affording any meaning to the content of the problem and to the process of solving it. Another conclusion reported is that implementing tasks in the classroom in which the mathematics activity requires coherent use of different representations is necessary.
Primary and Secondary Teachers’ Knowledge, Interpretation, and Approaches to Students Errors about Ratio and Proportion Topics  [PDF]
Elena Fabiola Ruiz Ledesma
Creative Education (CE) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2011.23035
Abstract: This study investigated elementary and secondary teachers’ understanding and pedagogical strategies applied to students making errors in finding a missing length in similar rectangles. It was revealed that secondary teachers had better understanding of ratio and proportion in similar rectangles than elementary teachers. While all secondary teachers solved the similar rectangles problems correctly, a large portion of elementary teacher struggled with the problem. In explaining their solution strategies, and even though similar strategies appeared both from elementary teachers and secondary teachers, a majority of secondary teachers pointed out the underlying idea of similarity, whereas less than half of the elementary teachers explained their reasoning for using ratios and proportion. This article is derived from the research project registered under number 20110343 (Ruiz, 2011), and developed in Escuela Superior de Cómputo del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) (School of Computer Sciences of the National Poly-technical Institute of Mexico)
A Cognitive Analysis When the Students Solve Problems  [PDF]
Elena Fabiola Ruiz Ledesma
Creative Education (CE) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2012.34063
Abstract: The research reported in this paper shows an analysis of the cognitive process of students from the senior technical program on food technology, whom are asked to solve a contextualized event on systems of linear algebraic equations within the context of balance of matter in situations of chemical mixtures. The cognitive analysis is founded on the theories of Conceptual Fields and vents. For the analysis attention is focused on the representations carried out by students regarding the invariants in the schemes that they build when they face an event of contextualized mathematics. During the acting process of students emerge different types of representation which are appropriate to the context in which the research develops, with which a proposal for the classification of them.
Objeciones de Sen frente al enfoque de los bienes primarios de Rawls
EPISTEME , 2009,
Abstract: this article studies the objections raised by amartya sen against john rawls? view on primary goods, as well as the corresponding responses of the latter. it is sought to assess whether there is an irreconcilable position between both authors when referring to specific and fundamental matters of justice. through an interpretation of the arguments held by both authors, we found out that there is reconciliation between them after all. in fact, the horizon of analysis posed by sen represents a fundamental contribution to rawls? view on primary goods.
La distribución espacial del taller de dise?o y los códigos de conocimiento educativos dos casos de estudio: el taller de planta ‘tabicada’ y el taller de planta ‘abierta’
Educere , 2006,
Abstract: the main aim of this exploratory-descriptive research was to complete the space evaluation of an innovative educative space (design project units: dpu) in the architecture major in the university of táchira. the specific research objectives were: verify the premises of unet ’s architectural project, regarding the design of the dpu, describe the spatial behaviour of the main users in two types of building distribution of the dpu and explore how the physical space is related to teacher training in the projects course. the qualitative approach was used, within the framework of bernstein ’s (1973) pedagogical transmission theory and peatross and peponis’ interpretations (1995). according to bernstein, education space is a medium for social control. the knowledge code in education, understood as the principles that underlie the curriculum, pedagogy and evaluation, can take one of two shapes: integration and collection. the results show that the spatial distribution of the workshop not only reflected the pedagogical principles, but it also generated its own pedagogical efects.
Revista chilena de derecho , 2009, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-34372009000100005
Abstract: abstract: this article reviews the legal situation of older adults in chile and analyses a type of age discrimination: the mistreatment against older people; specially, the situation in nursing homes and long-term care institutions. describes the concept, types and risk factors of the abuse against older adults, and proposes some legal solutions that have been introduced in several countries to protect them. finally, this article draws some conclusions to contribute to the incipient chilean debate regarding protection older people.

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